Our four Key Messages are:
These are explained in a bit more detail below:
Face coverings should be worn in all public spaces.
Once you are situated in your seat/allocated space, you are able to remove your mask for the duration of the session (the capacity and set up of each space in the building enables 1m social distancing). We appreciate that for some artforms, situations may arise that require closer contact with the tutor e.g. an Art Tutor wanting a closer look at your work. On this occasion, we ask that both Student and Tutor wear their face covering and keep time spent in close contact to a minimum.
Maintain social distancing. The Crescent is deceptively small/narrow in places, and social distancing will be challenging to implement in certain areas. To help us all ensure we are maintaining a safe distance, we ask that public spaces are kept clear. We recognise that it’s really hard not to stop and chat in the corridors and public areas (and usually this would absolutely be encouraged!), but can we ask you to keep it brief so that everyone can feel confident navigating the building. There are a number of areas in the building where we will highlight recommended capacities, including the lift and toilets.
We have set up each room so that you and your fellow classmates are apart. Please leave the furniture where you found it.
We have allowed a 30-minute gap between every Class/Workshop to allow for cleaning and ventilation, and have staggered start and end times of activity to ensure that the number of people moving in and out of our Front Door and Reception Area is kept to a minimum.
We encourage the opening of windows to support the flow of fresh air in the space if required.
Use hand sanitiser and wash your hands often! There are hand sanitising stations located on every floor of the building, and there are toilet facilities on every floor. It is recommended that you wash your hands regularly, and for 20 seconds.
If you show any signs of Covid-19 please do not visit The Crescent.