The Crescent is looking to expand its pool of freelance models for both life and portrait sessions that run as part of The Crescent’s Course & Workshop programme.
The recruitment process:
1. We invite folk to complete an Expression of Interest form. The form contains a couple of questions about your experience to date, and if you do not have any experience, why you are drawn to the role. If you have the necessary experience or the passion we are looking for, you will be invited to join us for a Model Induction and Training Session.
2. The Crescent will provide Induction and Training. This Session is for models both with or without experience and participating in the session is necessary for those new to Modelling at The Crescent. You will be notified by email by Wednesday 18th December if you are successful and will be invited to attend the Induction and Training Session on Monday 6th January between 1.00 - 3.00pm. If you are not able to make the date/time for training, an alternative time may be available.
Closing date for Expressing Interest is 12pm on Monday 16th December.
If you have any questions, please do email