The Crescents latest community project has been launched

16 April 2019

Following The Crescent’s recent funding award from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the Public Health Agency we are delighted to announce our latest project Art For Thought.

The Crescents latest community project has been launched


The Art For Thought project, is one of 48 to have received funding as part of the ARTiculate programme, a three-year £600,000 programme, funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland and the Public Health Agency (PHA), which uses artists and the arts a voice to issues affecting young people. Art for Thought will include a variety of artforms and has been specifically designed for those aged 14 - 18 years. 

Ann Feely, The Crescent Outreach and Education Officer said,

“We have been working with four project partners in creating a bespoke, taster arts programme for 10 groups and includes workshops in visual arts, crafts, dance and drama.  We are excited to launch this project and we will be releasing the full programme of activities soon. This project will be incredibly valuable to young people and is only possible via the Arts Council of Northern Ireland.”

The Crescent’s Interim Director, Roger Courtney, said

"We are pleased to announce the launch of ARTiculate - Art For Thought and we thank the Arts Council of Northern Ireland for their grant of £9,188 which will help enable us to target young people in marginalised communities across Belfast.  The funding will also help us achieve our strategic plan in developing mental health and wellbeing arts programmes in The Crescent as well as within our outreach programmes." 

The Art for Thought project is supported by the ARTiculate Young People & Wellbeing Arts Programme, funded by the Art Council of Northern Ireland and the Public Health Agency.

For more information about this project email




This project is one of 48 so far to have received funding as part of ARTiculate, a three-year £600,000 programme funded by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland National Lottery funds and the Public Health Agency (PHA), which uses artists and the arts to give a voice to issues affecting young people.

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is the lead funding and development agency for the Arts. Our funding enables artists and arts organisations to increase access to the arts across society and deliver great art that is within everyone’s reach. National Lottery-funded arts programmes are bringing communities closer together, tackling prejudice, racism, isolation and mental health and improving emotional wellbeing. (twitter) @ArtsCouncilNI (facebook) \ArtsCouncilNI

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland Lottery Fund distributes a share of the money raised by The National Lottery for good causes.

  • Over £30m is raised for good causes every week
  • More than 500,000 projects have been funded
  • Over £36bn has been raised since the Lottery started

The Public Health Agency is the statutory body responsible for improving and is protecting the health of our population and an integral part of the Health and Social Care (HSC) system, working closely with the Health and Social Care Board (HSCB), local health Trusts, Business Services Organisation (BSO) and the Patient Client Council (PCC). In operation since April 2009, it drives the public health and social wellbeing agenda, encompassing a wide range of functions to give a renewed, enhanced and sustained focus on health protection and improving health and wellbeing outcomes.

The PHA is a multi-disciplinary, multi-professional body with a strong regional and local presence. Central to our main responsibilities is working in close partnership with individuals, groups and organisations from all sectors – community, voluntary and statutory.


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