Each year as part of the Belfast Book Festival, we run the Mairtin Crawford Awards for Poetry and Short Story.

The Awards are in honor of the writer and poet who was a significant figure in Northern Ireland's literary community.

“Mairtín wrote as he lived, with a combination of intelligence and daring, revolutionary spirit and generosity of heart.” Moyra Donaldson 

The 2025 Submission window is now open. Click here for more details. 

The Awards are aimed at writers working towards their first full collection of poetry, short stories, or a novel. Both published and unpublished writers are invited to submit between 3-5 poems for the poetry award, and a short story of up to 2,500 words for the short story award, with the only stipulation being that they have not yet published a full collection of poetry, short stories, or a novel.

The 2025 Awards are supported by Johns Elliot Solicitors. This investment is supported by the Arts & Business NI Investment Programme.

For more information about the Awards visit:


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