French Conversation: Intermediate (B1)

Date Wednesday 30 April 2025 until Wednesday 21 May 2025
Time 8:00 PM - 9:30 PM
Price£42 | £38
TutorVanessa Franchetti
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French Conversation: Intermediate (B1)


Come and practise your French in this course designed for students who already have a good command of the language (about AS/A-level). Interact with others and talk about French culture and various societal topics whilst revising some grammar points along the way. We will work on pronunciation, we sometimes discuss current affairs using articles, we might also do an oral comprehension and study a French song.

Personal input from the students is welcome and integrated in the course, whether it is a suggestion to study an article that they have found interesting or debating a topic from the news, or just sharing something they are doing or have discovered...

The course will be conducted in a warm and friendly atmosphere by a native, fully-qualified and experienced French teacher, Vanessa from Monaco.

Unsure if this language level is right for you? Click here to read our helpful guide. 


About the Tutor

Vanessa Franchetti is a native French speaker from the Principality of Monaco in the South of France.

She studied at Nice University where she gained an MA in English, a diploma in “Teaching French for Foreigners” and the French equivalent of the PGCE, the CAPES.

Following her studies, during which she spent a year in Omagh as a language assistant, she went on to teach English in secondary schools in Cogolin near St Tropez and then in Paris.

She moved to Belfast in 2009 and since then has taught French in a wide variety of contexts, including Queen’s University, the Crescent Arts Centre, primary schools, businesses and home tutoring.

The conversation classes that she offers in the Crescent Arts Centre are spread over five levels, from beginner through to post university level and the focus is on interacting orally with confidence.

In addition, she has brought her love of French music and dancing to Belfast where she regularly performs and teaches.


Age Range16+ years
LevelIntermediate: B1

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