Combining Coloured Pencil and Watercolour Painting

Date Monday 09 June 2025
Time 1:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Price£60 | £55
TutorRonan Lee-Smyth
This Activity is also on at other days/times
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Combining Coloured Pencil and Watercolour Painting


In combining the fluidity of watercolour paint and the refinement of coloured pencil, this day long workshop will introduce students to a range of experimental techniques that emphasise the complimentary use of both mediums with one artwork. Students will be guided through the entire creative process, from initial sketch right through to mixing, layering and blending colour, developing textures and adding striking details. By the end, each student will have completed various exercises that contribute an impressive finished work.

This workshop is open to absolutely everyone, however it may appeal to those who have already some experience with painting and drawing, and wish to explore them together.

Materials list to be supplied - this will be sent ahead of course commencing.


About the tutor

Ronan is a visual artist and researcher based in Belfast, who is currently completing a practice-based PhD with Belfast School of Art. He has trained as a fine artist specialising in research surrounding social class and queer identity within the contexts of contemporary craft.

In 2020 he received a Fellowship to Teaching Award from Ulster University, where he worked across various departments including fine art, sculpture and applied art (textile, ceramics and design). From foundation-level to Masters students, Ronan has presented educational seminars and studio critiques, delivered group workshops and individual tutorials and supervised assessments and grading for students (written and verbal).

He is currently a member of two artist-led studio groups based in Belfast (Flax Studios and Arcade Studios), where he regularly contributes to exhibitions, mentorship activities, production residencies and collaborations. Most recently Ronan was commissioned to develop and independently oversee a public engagement programme for Catalyst Arts, Belfast.

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