A panel discussion hosted by Edel Murphy, with Peter Fleming, Kris Marden and Grace Fairley
Digital Horizon is University of Atypical’s highly successful Masterclass programme in digital innovation, funded by the Santander Foundation. Come be fascinated by some of our local Masterclass leaders - Kris Marsden, Grace Fairley and Peter Fleming and find out about how you can take part in the programme. This is an peer-led insight into how technology can be used to innovate and engage artists with disabilities. Be the first to hear about the Digital Horizon Autumn Masterclass Programme and the Digital Innovation Award 2024. An event for those who want to leap into the wonderful world of digital technology.
This event is part of Bounce Festival 2023 organised by University of Atypical for Arts and Disability. University of Atypical's main funder is The National Lottery through the Arts Council of Northern Ireland made possible by Lottery Players.
Bounce Festival 2023 is also funded by Belfast City Council.