Watercolour Step-by-Step: Improvers

Date Tuesday 29 April 2025 until Tuesday 10 June 2025
Time 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Price£90 | £82
TutorSorrel Wills
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Watercolour Step-by-Step: Improvers


This course is a follow on from our Watercolour Step-by-Step: Beginners course.

You will recap on some techniques learnt in Beginners and also learn some new ones. The format will mostly continue as step-by-step tutorials with guidance from the Tutor. You will continue to create an image each week. Images will be different to those painted in the Beginners class and sometimes students will paint their own images under the guidance of the Tutor.

Seasoned improvers students may find that some images are repeated, but you will receive an alternative image when this is the case. Generally, the Improvers course is adjusted to suit the students attending.



Age Range16+ years

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