Vinyasa Yoga

Date Tuesday 29 April 2025 until Tuesday 27 May 2025
Time 5:45 PM - 7:15 PM
Price£52.50 | £47.50
TutorCarla Doherty
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Vinyasa Yoga


This vinyasa flow course is suitable for all levels.

While it is strong and challenging it's keenly attentive to the needs of each individual and their needs, so variations are offered throughout to make the practice suit your body rather than force your body to suit the practice.

Throughout the course you'll be encouraged to listen to what your body wants and needs. I like to leave my students feeling comfortably challenged and empowered, lighter in the mind, and connected to themselves in the present moment.

Each class within the course includes: relaxation, mindful movement, breathwork, essential oils, nervous system regulation and meditation. 

Please bring your own mat to class and any other yoga equipment you need eg blocks, bolsters etc.


About the Tutor: 

Carla is a Yoga Teacher in Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin yoga with trauma informed and somatic training, she is a Reiki master and trained in compassionate enquiry (trauma healing) as well as CBT (cognitive behaviour therapy).

Having completed her yoga teacher training in India, Carla is passionate about the true roots of yoga.

Carla is an educator in Women's Wellness.

Age Range16+ years

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