Ukulele: Beginners

Date Thursday 01 May 2025 until Thursday 12 June 2025
Time 5:15 PM - 7:15 PM
Price£84 | £77
TutorSean Lawlor
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Ukulele: Beginners


Whether you're an absolute beginner or know a few chords, this Beginners Ukulele course will teach you the chords and strumming you need to play songs and you'll be able to play a handful even after the first class.

The 7-week course will teach you:

- The only necessary chords you'll need to play most songs.
- The rhythms needed to play songs.
- It'll be built up from one chord songs, to 2 chord songs, to several chord songs over the course.

There will also be tutor recordings of the lessons to practice along to at home and the course will build up into a songbook you can impress everyone with.

Please bring along your own instrument. 


About the Tutor

Sean Lawlor has been a musician for 40 years and taught himself guitar and remembers well what it's like to start from zero with a new instrument.

In recent years he has become the lead of Belfast Ukulele Jam (a group of 80 players). He has edited and put together playable songbooks for all levels and abilities to ensure everyone can join in and catch the ukulele bug.

Sean's ukulele ethos is to make things as simple as possible for people and build on that and looks forward to welcoming you to the course.


Age Range16+ years

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