Portrait Painting

Date Thursday 01 May 2025 until Thursday 12 June 2025
Time 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Price£120 | £114
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Portrait Painting


Painting from the posed model is an established practice of formal portrait painting, and for many is a stimulating, energising and encouraging experience.

Led by the talented Bill Gatt, you will study anatomy and facial characteristics, style, dress and posture of the model whilst using different media and compositions.

Attention to students’ ability, individuality and modes of expression is standard practice. You will develop your skills in drawing and painting by embracing oil, acrylic, watercolour, and pastel painting with particular emphasis upon enthusiasm, practice, and self-evaluation.


About the Tutor

Bill Gatt is an artist for stage musicals, The BBC and film industry. He is also college demonstrator tutor in drawing, watercolour, oil, and pastel painting, portrait, figure, architecture townscapes, landscape, still-life, and Marine subjects.

He is a Lecturer in foundation art and design, drawing and painting.

His work includes commissions for KLM, and Delta airline, Queens University, Senator G.Mitchell, Dr Ian Paisley, John Hume and other key public figures.

His work is held in private and public collections throughout UK, Ireland, Kentucky USA, Valletta Malta.

Age Range16+ years

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