Learn to Play: An introduction to modern classic tabletop games

Date Monday 13 January 2025 until Monday 07 April 2025
Time 5:15 PM - 7:15 PM
Price£132 | £121
TutorRory O'Connor

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Learn to Play: An introduction to modern classic tabletop games

Classic Gaming

New Course

This 11-week course is a structured hands-on introduction to a range of modern classic tabletop games.

The thoughts of learning the rules for a new game, perceived difficulty or looking “stupid” are oft cited reasons for not learning to play boardgames, despite the many benefits they provide. After a very brief overview of the recent renaissance in modern tabletop gaming, participants will learn and play a new game each week in a safe, relaxing environment.

By the end of the course, you will have experienced a range of modern classics covering a range of styles and genres. You will come away equipped with a deeper understanding of a range of game mechanics and the confidence to play (and maybe even teach) them to friends, family or colleagues. In addition we are certain you will discover a new favourite game!

Each game played will introduce one or more of the following mechanics that underpin the majority of games. By experiencing these mechanics it will make learning and playing games with the same mechanics a lot easier in future, Some of the mechanics we'll cover include: Dice-rolling; Worker Placement; Engine Building; Deck Building and customisation; Set-collecting and pattern building; Tile Placement/Area Control; Card Drafting/Hand Management; Auctions and Bidding; Co-operative play; Hidden movement and deduction; Resource Management; and Negotiation and Diplomacy.

Possible games to cover (not final): Ticket to Ride; Bananagrams; Rory’s Story Cubes; Machi Koro; Can’t Stop; Codenames; Carcassonne; Cascadia; Jaipur; Trio; Tokaido; Splendor; Kingdomino; Rhino Hero; Star Realms / Dale of Merchants; Love Letter; Cartographers; Compact Curling; Dice Throne; Heroquest; Pandemic; and Downforce.

No session 24 February.


About the tutor

Rory O’Connor is creator of the globally successful Rory’s Story Cubes dice game. He brings a creative, empathetic approach to idea generation, problem solving and conflict resolution whether he is absorbed in a creative endeavour of his own or helping others shift their perspective and get unstuck.

Co-founder of tabletop game publisher Hub Games, Rory has co-designed and published innovative titles, including The Extraordinaires Design Studio, Untold: Adventures Await and the groundbreaking co-op game, Holding On: The Troubled Life of Billy Kerr.

Rory has always played card, board or miniature games and enjoys nothing better than introducing new people to the hobby. He has been hosting or co-hosting weekly meetups in Belfast since 2010. Rory is currently co-designing a card game inspired by Irish mythology while writing his first novel.

Age Range16+ years
Half Term10 February 2025 until 16 February 2025

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