Holiday Spanish

Date Tuesday 29 April 2025 until Tuesday 10 June 2025
Time 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM
Price£60 | £57
TutorAlejandra Salazar
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Holiday Spanish


This course is aimed at people who are new to Spanish but would like to develop a basic understanding of the language to use whilst on holiday somewhere like La Costa del Sol or Salou.

During the course you will learn how to introduce yourself, order food and drinks and how to ask for directions to places like your hotel, the beach and the train station. 


About the tutor

Born in Mexico and moved to Northern Ireland 20 years ago, Alejandra Salazar still has her strong Mexican accent. She has taught Spanish for 9 years to primary school pupils and to adults as part of different community projects.

Having lived in Barcelona for 3 years, the tutor loves how people make an effort to speak the native language of the place they visit and knows that learning a language through games is the best way to do it!

Along with teaching Spanish, Alejandra has a bachelor’s degree in Accountancy, so get ready to learn how to count up to a million, as you will need it when you ask for “la cuenta por favor”.

Age Range16+ yrs

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