Get Unstuck: An introduction to Creative Thinking Techniques

Date Monday 12 May 2025 until Monday 26 May 2025
Time 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Price£36| £33
TutorRory O'Connor
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Get Unstuck: An introduction to Creative Thinking Techniques


This 3-week course has been designed as a structured, hands-on taster to a range of creative thinking techniques.

it is hoped that by the end of the course, you are equipped with a greater self-awareness and understanding towards others as well as a playful yet practical set of tools that you can apply towards blocks they may be experiencing in their own life, work or relationships.

Below is a list of just some of the topics you will cover throughout the course:

  • Introduction to Creative Problem Solving (and finding the shoe that fits you)
  • The Feedback Loop (or "how to get more of what you reinforce) > The Socratic Method;
  • Understanding Needs (as the cornerstone of effective problem solving) > Needs vs Strategies and Win-Win-Win Thinking;
  • Framing Effective Questions (that lead us towards insights and answers) > The Five Why's,
  • Ideal Final Result (and why it’s useful to have one) > Setting your Intention and Problems, Solutions and Problems (the perpetual loop and going easy on yourself);
  • Conscious and Non-Conscious Problem Solving;
  • Creative Problem Solving Techniques > Including Windtunnel, Freenoting, Rory’s Story Cubes and Noodle Doodle
  • Decision Making >Needs List, Consent Decision Making (Good Enough vs Perfect) and Paired Ranking;
  • Taking Action > Resistance & Self-Sabotage (or tragic attempts to meet needs) and The Smallest Step (as a way of testing your ideas)



About the tutor

Rory O’Connor is creator of the globally successful Rory’s Story Cubes dice game. He brings a creative, empathetic approach to idea generation, problem solving and conflict resolution whether he is absorbed in a creative endeavour of his own or helping others shift their perspective and get unstuck.

Co-founder of tabletop game publisher Hub Games, Rory has co-designed and published innovative titles, including The Extraordinaires Design Studio, Untold: Adventures Await and the groundbreaking co-op game, Holding On: The Troubled Life of Billy Kerr.

Rory has always played card, board or miniature games and enjoys nothing better than introducing new people to the hobby. He has been hosting or co-hosting weekly meetups in Belfast since 2010. Rory is currently co-designing a card game inspired by Irish mythology while writing his first novel.

Age Range16+ years

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