Creative Photography

Date Tuesday 29 April 2025 until Tuesday 27 May 2025
Time 5:15 PM - 7:15 PM
Price£50 | £45
TutorNeil Hansworth
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Creative Photography


Join us for a comprehensive 4-week photography course suitable for those looking to enhance their photography skills.

We'll demystify all those camera settings that you've been avoiding, and guide you through fun challenges that'll have you snapping pics like a pro (or at least feeling like one).

Explore the fundamental elements of light, colour, motion, and composition, equipping yourself with the skills to capture compelling images even in challenging situations.

Once you've developed your proficiency, we'll delve into the realm of organising and sharing your photographic works, and even introduce you to creative projects that can stem from your newfound talents.

Don't forget to bring your camera – it's your passport to a whole new level of Instagram greatness. Let's have some fun with photography! 

No session 13th May.


About the tutor

Neil Hainsworth is a freelance artist and designer based in Belfast. Original training in Dance, Neil now is a filmmaker and photographer specialising in Dance and Circus short films. Using his background in dance to create moving camera sequences, choreographing the camera to create compelling, dynamic shots. 

Age Range18+ years

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