Art Lounge (14-17 yrs)

Date Saturday 24 May 2025 until Saturday 14 June 2025
Time 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
TutorAlana Barton
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Art Lounge (14-17 yrs)

Arts & Crafts

Art Lounge (Ages 14-17) is a relaxed space to create art and experiment with new materials. Open to all skill levels, it’s the perfect place to paint, draw, collage, or explore mixed media in a creative environment, with guidance available along the way.


Materials Provided:

- Acrylic and watercolour paints

- Drawing pencils, charcoal, and sketching tools

- Drawing paper and art boards

- Brushes, palette knives, and other basic tools

- Collage materials (magazines, newspapers, textured papers)

- Mark-making tools (salt, sponges) for experimental techniques


Please bring a sketchbook and any references or inspiration you'd like to work from. Feel free to bring your own materials too!


About the Tutor

Alana is a visual artist based in Belfast. Her paintings explore themes of childhood, memory and identity.


Age Range14 - 17 years

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